'Healthy AI recognises the challenges of ensuring AI models retain efficacy across diverse geographies and evolving time periods. With a commitment to safe, ethical application, our international interdisciplinary team endeavours to create a robust assessment tool. This initiative not only addresses biases inherent in data collection and systemic discriminations but also champions the broader ideals of inclusivity and fairness.

As we push the boundaries of what AI can achieve in healthcare, our collaboration with industry professionals and developers ensures Healthy AI remains a paradigm of trust, transparency, and forward-thinking adaptability. Engaging with the global community, we are constantly learning and iterating, ensuring our approach is both innovative and grounded in real-world needs.'

Mission(Why we exist):
To democratize AI in healthcare by championing inclusivity and fairness. We are dedicated to amplifying the voices of underrepresented groups and fostering collaboration between the global north and south. By facilitating community engagement and leveraging open tools and scientific surveys, we aim to create a transformative impact in the healthcare sector, paving the way for a future where AI serves all of humanity equitably.

Vision(What we aspire to become):
To be a global catalyst that reshapes the landscape of AI in healthcare, operating through vibrant local communities in hospitals and technical universities. Our initiative seeks to be a beacon of inclusivity, generating awareness and creating data-driven solutions grounded in scientific rigor. Through longitudinal studies, we envision mapping the progress of AI, thereby influencing healthcare practices and regulations globally to be more inclusive and just.

Core Values (The principles guiding our actions):
  1. Inclusivity - Prioritizing the representation and input of underrepresented groups in every facet of AI in healthcare.
  2. Collaboration - Fostering collaboration between diverse stakeholders, incl researchers in global north and communities in the global south.
  3. Transparency - Maintaining transparency in our endeavors to build trust and foster community relationships.
  4. Innovation - Encouraging innovation through the creation of open tools that democratize the solutions to AI's challenges.
  5. Scientific Rigor - Upholding scientific rigor in the creation and implementation of our surveys to quantify the existing problems accurately.
  6. Community Engagement - Building vibrant communities that drive awareness and passion towards a common goal.


The challenge.

In the world of healthcare AI solutions, fairness and accountability are often compromised. There are deeply entrenched issues of systemic racism and gender discrimination, creating a pervasive bias and confounder effects. Moreover, generalization issues associated with dataset generation present a significant challenge, preventing these solutions from being fully inclusive and effective, notably hampering utilization in global south settings.

Our Solution:

Healthy AI Auduting tool is an auditing solution meticulously crafted to address these pressing issues head-on. Drawing from the cutting-edge research, we offer an integrative perspective that is both global and inclusive, eradicating biases and promoting a system that respects and understands the vast diversity of human experiences. With Healthy AI, we are not just building a tool; we are fostering a future where healthcare is fair and equitable for all.

Our Partners


Our Solution:

Healthy AI Auduting tool is an auditing solution meticulously crafted to address these pressing issues head-on. Drawing from the cutting-edge research, we offer an integrative perspective that is both global and inclusive, eradicating biases and promoting a system that respects and understands the vast diversity of human experiences. With Healthy AI, we are not just building a tool; we are fostering a future where healthcare is fair and equitable for all.

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Call to Action

To make this vision a reality, we need your insight. Help us grasp the broader picture by participating in our survey. Your input will guide us in building a solution that stands on the pillars of inclusivity and equality. And if you’re as passionate about this initiative as we are, we invite you to join our vibrant community, where together, we can forge a path towards a healthier, fairer future for all.

Are you intrigued by the evolving landscape of AI and its potential impacts on society? Do you find yourself eager to stay updated with the latest findings, discussions, and opportunities to engage with like-minded individuals? We invite you to join our community list! By doing so, you will: Stay Informed: Receive regular updates on the latest advancements and news in the realm of AI. Network: Connect with a diverse group of people sharing a keen interest in AI and its societal implications. Make an Impact: Get opportunities to participate in surveys, workshops, and events that aim to shape the future of AI in a responsible and inclusive manner. Join us in fostering a community where every voice is heard, and every perspective is valued. Together, we can work towards building AI solutions that are truly inclusive and beneficial for all. Thank you for your interest and support!

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